At the May 2005 meeting of the Garden Club of PEI it was announced that the Garden Club has been asked to help establish and maintain a humming bird garden in Victoria Park in Charlottetown.
A new president and vice president of the Garden Club will be chosen at the AGM during the September meeting.
Also, Dr. Ann Howatt from Hospice PEI is asking for volunteers who can donate low fragrance, non toxic flowers for residents. Hearts and Flowers Florists have agreed to donate flowers, and they are looking for volunteers to arrange the vases every Tuesday or to freshen the flower vases every Friday. To volunteer, call 902-368-1532 or e-mail or

The guest speaker at the meeting was Garth Davey, Lic. Hort. from Kool Breeze Farms. First, he talked about the white snow drops and yellow winter aconites coming up in his garden. He described some of the damage from this past severe winter, and said that most plants will come back.
He also talked about his favourite new perennials:
Clematis 'Serious Black' is a not a vine - it's a short variety. It bears clusters of white star-shaped flowers and the new foliage is dark purple. If grown in full sun, the leaves will be brighter purple. The plant should be pruned to 6 inches tall in spring. It blooms in early summer and then repeats. In fall, it produces silvery seed heads. It is hardy to zone 3. It will grow 4 feet tall. To plant, dig a hole 2 feet deep. Mix in lots of compost and bone meal. Strip off the lower leaves and bury the crown 4 inches deep.
Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate' aka akageratina altissima is a relative of the Joe Pye Weed. It has long-lasting white flowers that bloom into the fall and attract butterflies. It likes full sun and well-drained soil. It can tolerate some shade in the afternoon. It grows 3 feet tall and has a round shape. It has dark leaves and purple stems.
Lithodora diffusa 'Grace Ward' is a low spreader with true blue flowers that bloom for 3 months. Garth says people stop by his house to ask about this plant. It is effective planted in raised beds or rock gardens. It needs good winter drainage and is drought tolerant. This plant has some of the features of drought tolerance and salt tolerance: silvery leaves.
Garth says the PEI Landscape Association is supporting Red Seal Certification for its members, which will assure customers of their knowledge and skills.
Japanese Pieris produces drooping white flowers. The new foliage is bright red. It is an evergreen which needs winter protection on PEI.
Bearberry (Arctostaphyllos) is a native evergreen ground cover which produces small white flowers followed by red berries.
Dictamnus alba (Gas Plant) is an old fashioned, very long-lived plant. Garth has one that is over 100 years old. The leaves smell like lemons. The flowers are white. There is also a pink flowered variety. It grows 4 feet tall and has woody stems that stand up to wind. It is difficult to propagate. Propagation is done by root cuttings. It is best grown in well-drained soil in full sun or part shade. It may benefit from a bit of lime added to soil. Once established, it does not like to be disturbed. It takes many years to reach full maturity and has no serious insect or disease problems.
Actaea matsumurae aka Cimicifuga simplex has dark leaves and stems and white flowers. |It grows 5 to 6 feet tall. It is also called bug bane, but this name does not make it attractive to buyers. It produces a white berry with a black dot, and was used as doll's eyes until it was discovered that the berries are poisonous. Five berries can kill a child. The dried leaves keep bugs away. It likes moist shade and rich, acid soil. It blooms into November, and is great for attracting late-season pollinators.
Cordyalis lutea aka yellow fumatory is a yellow bleeding heart. It blooms for 3 months and self-seeds readily. It is good to plant where nothing else will grow - in dry shade or moist areas.
Echinacea Sombrero series 'Adobe' is an orange coneflower. It is a big plant - 4 feet tall - and is multi-branching, which is unusual for an echinacea. It has a tap root. It attracts butterflies and blooms from July to late fall.
Amsonia tabernae montana aka Eastern Bluestar has blue flowers. It blooms early and is resistant to disease and insects. It likes full sun and is hardy to zone 3.
Amsonia hubrichtii aka threadleaf amsonia has very finely cut foliage that turns golden orange in fall.
It grows well in sun and part-shade.
Silene 'Rollys Favourite' silene x lychnisilene rosea blooms in June. The flowers last one month.
Cut it down and it will bloom again. It attracts butterflies and likes part shade.
Roseglow barberry is a very tough plant, with lots of thorns. It can be pruned severely, and will come back. It is a good plant to grow near salt spray.
Kool Breeze farms is growing only blight resistant tomatoes this year. Garth recommends adding epsom salts when watering tomatoes.
Hello Garth. I met you a few years ago at Cool Breeze and love the plants you recommended. I understand you may be running a nursery in your area. Is this correct? Would love to drop by.
ReplyDeleteLouise McShane